Functional Molecules and Materials for Energy Conversion
We are a young multidisciplinary research group at the AMC Chair at the Technical University of Munich (TUM), with our laboratories located in the Catalysis Research Centre (CRC).
We are interested in renewable energy research, in particular artificial photosynthesis and energy conversion to produce value-added products. We explore the use of molecular dyes, catalysts and polymers as well as hybrid materials to transform water and abundant feedstocks into chemicals, developing pathways towards sustainable energy.

Oct. 2024
Julien is currently a visiting scientist at Imperial College London, collaborating with Ifan Stephens' research group. Looking forward to foster connections and explore synergies in our respective fields of expertise!
Jul. 2024
Julien is invited to deliver a plenary lecture at the ATUMS Conference on Functional Hybrid Materials (Venice, Italy). Really honored to be part of the final event between University of Alberta and TUM.
May 2024
Very proud to announce that Nadine has just received the DBU Fellowship! This will help support her nice research on MOF Thin Films for Photoelectrochemical Solar Fuel Production.
A warm welcome our new internship students. Yuta, master student from Kyushu University, will stay with us a 3-month stay. Anna starts her master thesis on the impact of MOF topology in photocatalysis. Excited for your fresh ideas and teamwork.
Check out our video about our latest discovery!
Apr. 2024
Congratulations to Simon for his publication in ACS Appl. Opt. Mater. about the influence of chromophore packing on multiphoton absorption. Check it out!
Mar. 2024
Philip and Vanessa's Perspective on MOF for photosynthetic CO2 reduction is published in Nature Synthesis. Find out more about interesting insights into this field's state-of-the-art, best practices and more.
Philip's article on photocatalytic CO2-to-syngas evolution with MOF Nanozymes received enough downloads to be a #TopDownloaded Article in Advanced Materials! Glad it triggered so much curiosity in the community.
Feb. 2024
Wissuta Boonta is joing us for 1-year PhD stay from Chulalongkorn University. Good luck in the lab Wissuta!
Dec. 2023
Our co-organised Catalyst Design Strategies for Photo- and Electrochemical Fuel Synthesis (ECAT) conference was a success! Thanks to all who took part!
Jan. 2024
Happy new Year!
Oct. 2023
Very proud of Kathi who brilliantly passed her PhD viva! Will miss you.
Jun. 2023
Nadine Schmaus begins her PhD thesis on photoelectrochmistry with us! Good luck Nadine!
Mar. 2023
Shufan Wu begins his PhD thesis with us! Warm welcome.
Nice press release on our recent achievements in photocatalysis!
Meen's research on engineering defects in MOFs to improve H2 evolution is published in Journal of Material Chemistry A. A nice work with our collaborators from Thailand.
Yishuo starts his Master's thesis internship. Good luck in the lab!
Feb. 2023
Very proud of Philip who succesfully defended his PhD Thesis summa cum laude. Impressive defence and thesis!
Elizabeth rejoins us for a lab internship on biomolecule encapsulation.
Another beautiful cover from Philip to highlight our latest work in Advanced Materials.
January 2023
Happy new year everyone!
Warm welcome to Vanessa who is starting her PhD thesis in our group!
Great cover from Philip to highlight our recent Advanced Materials study.
November 2022
Some great news this month. Johanna and Philip's review on merging catalysts and MOFs for solar fuels just came out online in Nature Chemistry!
Our collaborative work with other group at TUM has been accepted in Advanced Materials. A very thorough study where we exploited the concept of nanozyme for photocatalytic syngas production.
Nadine nicely presented her Master's mid-term talk.
Emanuel joins us for his RLC internship working on bio-inorganic materials. Good luck!
October 2022
Many good news!
Meen successfully defended her PhD work yesterday! Congratulations! It was great to have you in Munich for your stay.
Karina and Philip's paper on PCN MOFs' behaviour in photocatalysis got accepted in Chemical Science.
Philip stikes twice with another research being published in Advanced Materials. Exciting work on photochargeable electron storage!
The e-conversion cluster members gathered in Venice to foster collaborations. Many brilliant talks from our international guests!
More courses are starting. The synthesis practicum course is training the new generation of students to lab techniques.
September 2022
Kathrin and Philip presented their research at the 8th international conference on metal-organic frameworks and open framework compounds in Dresden.
We completed the hands-on course teaching week on electrochemistry. Cool training time for our TUM students.
August 2022
Johanna is joining the USC and the ShustovaLab for a 1-year stay. Nice collaboration work to come!
Vanessa presented her Masters' mid-term talk.
July 2022
The group had a great time presenting our research in the nice town of Weimar at the 55. Jahrestreffen Deutscher Katalytiker.
Nadine is joining us for her Master's internship under the supervision of Kathrin and Mykhyalo finishes his.
Congratulations to all our former (11!) students who presented their work in our group at the itsc-chemistry poster-symposia!
March 2022
Vanessa is starting her Master's internship under the supervision of Philip. Good luck in the lab!
Our collaboration paper investigating the role of cations in electrocatalysis has been accepted in Angew. Chemie.
January 2022 - Happy new year!
First good news of the year, our paper on photoelectrochemical CO2 reduction coupled to alcohol oxidation is published in Nature Synthesis.
December 2021
Julien proudly receives the TUM Chemistry Supervisory Award of 2021.
Alina is joining us for an internship on chromophore synthesis.
November 2021
Our proposal with B. Rieger (TUM) and R. Fischer (TUM) for a PhD funding has been accepted by e-conversion!
Our paper on a novel tri(dithiocarboxylate) linker is accepted in Inorganic Chemistry (ACS).
Marcel and Chen join us for their lab course internship. Good luck!
October 2021
The winter semester 21/22 starts and so does the new courses. Looking forward to get in touch with the students from Chemie I MSE, IMIC and HYMAT.
Florian joins us for his Bachelor internship. Megan completes and presented her internship in collaboration with Wacker Chemie.
September 2021
Kathi's paper on MOF-encapsulated gold clusters is accepted in MSDE (RSC) and made it to the front cover of the MSDE's November issue! Lukas B. starts his RLC to continue this nice work.
The group attends the COORNETs Summer School 2021 on Conductive Metal–Organic Frameworks - From Synthesis to Functions
Thanks to Benedikt and Lukas S. for completing their RLC.
Arne is joining us from LMU for a two-month internship on chromophore synthesis.
August 2021
Many new starters! Mykhaylo (re-)joins us for a Master's internship co-supervised by Johanna and Philip! We also welcome Benedikt and Lukas S. for their RLC internships. Good luck to all!
July 2021
Our latest research on MOF vs metal oxide colloids for photocatalysis is accepted in Energies.
The group attends the Young and Main International Solar Fuels 2021 conferences from the RSC. Great talks and posters!
Congratulations to Sofia for her poster award at the itsc-chemistry poster symposia 2021, as well as to all our former students - Rafael, Zoe, Mykhaylo, Pascal and Markus - for their great posters and work in the group!
Elisabeth and Markus completed their internships. Thanks for your work!
June 2021
Elisabeth, Markus started their internships with Johanna and Philip while Vanessa and Julian finished their.
May 2021
Philip's and Johanna's paper got accepted for publication in Angewandte Chemie! We investigated host–guest interactions in a MOF isoreticular series for photocatalytic CO2 reduction.
Vanessa and Julian join us for a RLC internship. Isabel and Pascal finished their stay in the group.
April 2021
Philip's paper on the understanding of entrapped molecular photosystems in MOFs is accepted for publication in Faraday Discussion.
Pascal and Isabel join us for a RLC internship on photocatalytic MOF while Zoe finishes hers on bimetallic clusters.
March 2021
Our proposal with J. Hauer (TUM) and R. de Vivie-Riedle (LMU) has been accepted for funding by e-conversion!
Alice finished her internship in the group. Thanks for your work!
January 2021
Johanna starts her PhD on designing coordination network-based photosystems towards CO2 reduction.
Philip's paper on the encapsulation of molecular catalysts and dyes in MOF for CO2 reduction is accepted for publication in ACS Catalysis.
Alice and Zoe start their Bachelor and RLC internships in the group. Welcome!
November 2020
Our new website goes live!
Markus finishes his research internship in the group on MOF-functionalised electrodes.
Julien takes over the e-Conversion subgroup@AMC.
Beginning of supervision for the Hymat courses@TUM.
October 2020
Kathrin secured PhD fellowship from the Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt!
Johanna gets the Hans-Fischer PhD fellowship funding from the groups of N. Shustova and R. Fischer and will start her PhD in Jan. 2021!
September 2020
Markus starts his research internship in the group.
July 2020
Our Minireview on "Synthetic Organic Design for Solar Fuel Systems" is published in Angewandte Chemie.
June 2020
Julien is named Guest Editor for the special issue on: "Advances in Molecular Artificial Photosynthesis" in Energies.
Courses on “Instrumental Methods in Inorganic Chemistry“ in Electrochemistry begin.